If your business/home office is located in Ontario, you could incorporate a Federal or Ontario corporation. Both corporations are allowed to sell products and services to individuals and businesses located in any province in Canada and outside of Canada.
However, some important differences should be taken into account, when you select the right type of legal entity suitable for your business needs.
Corporate Name
Federal Corporation
Must be very unique to be accepted by the government
Ontario Corporation
Usually acceptable if no exact matches with existing names
Name Protection
Federal Corporation
Name protected all across Canada
Ontario Corporation
Name protected in Ontario
Registered Office
Federal Corporation
May be located in any Canadian province
Ontario Corporation
Must be in Ontario
Government Fee
Federal Corporation
Ontario Corporation
Annual Filing Fee
Federal Corporation
Ontario Corporation
No charge
Federal Corporation
Only individuals may be
At least twenty-five per cent of the directors must be
Canadian residents. However, if a corporation has less than
four directors, at least one director must be a Canadian
Ontario Corporation
Only individuals over the age of 18 may be appointed.
No Canadian residency is required.
Federal Corporation
No Canadian residency is required
Ontario Corporation
No Canadian residency is required
Federal Corporation
No Canadian residency is required.
Information about shareholders holding 25% or more shares in the corporation must be filed with the government and is available to the public.
Ontario Corporation
No Canadian residency is required.
Information about shareholders is not filed with the government and not available to the public.
Federal Corporation
Considered more prestigious as Canadian federal legal entity
Ontario Corporation
Considered as local legal entity
Federal Corporation
When you are planning to open permanent establishments, such as offices, stores, warehouses in more than one province or/and your business has international customers and suppliers
Ontario Corporation
When your offices, stores, warehouses are located in Ontario and you have no plans to open permanent establishments in other provinces, and have no international customers and suppliers