BVI Business Friendly
Low-Tax Jurisdiction
We specialize in forming Business Companies under the British Virgin Islands Business Companies Act 2004 (the BVI BC Act). All our services in BVI are handled by a licensed BVI Registered Agent. Trust us to make your BVI business setup a breeze.
Advantages of a BVI Company
Well developed financial services industry
Well developed professional infrastructure
No foreign exchange restrictions
Information about BVI
Directors information is filed with the BVI Registry. However, this information is not available to the public.
Shareholders’ information is not filed with the BVI Registry. However, each registered agent must upload information about beneficial owners of BVI business companies to the Beneficial Ownership Secure Search System (BOSS System). BVI law enforcement is able to search the BOSS System at the request of UK authorities only.
For clients, who would like to have an additional layer of privacy protection, our company offers nominee services.
The official currency is the United States Dollar.
There are no currency exchange and transfer of funds control.
Companies are permitted to repatriate all profits, dividends and management charges.
No approval needs to be obtained for the transfer of dividends, interest, royalties other profits, or for repatriation of capital.