Seychelles IBC
Incorporated in 2 to 3 Bus. Days
Seychelles International Business Company (IBC) has become an increasingly popular international legal entity due to its quick incorporation time- frames and inexpensive annual fees.
Advantages of a Seychelles IBC
Inexpensive annual support
No requirements of a minimum paid up capital
Information about corporate officers and shareholders is not filed with the Seychelles Registry and not available to the public
Any individual and legal entity may become a shareholder, director and officer
Companies incorporated in any other jurisdiction may be continued in Seychelles as an IBC
Authorized capital does not affect the government incorporation fee and annual fee
Exempt from the Foreign Exchange Act
Information about a Seychelles IBC
A Seychelles IBC is incorporated under the Seychelles International Business Company Act adopted in 1994. A 2016 enactment replaced the previous 1994 IBC Act.
This Act is considered as one of the most friendly business legislations in the international -financial sector.
The suggested corporate name must have a legal ending. You may select from: Limited, Corporation, Incorporated or the abbreviations Ltd., Corp. or Inc.
A suggested corporate name is not acceptable in the following cases:
- If the name is identical or similar to the name of another company already registered in Seychelles or that the use of the name would, in the opinion of the Registry, be considered confusing or misleading
- Includes a prohibited word, phrase or abbreviation referred to in the 3rd schedule of the legislation
- Suggests or is calculated to suggest the patronage or any connection with the Government of Seychelles or the government of any other country; or Suggesting the patronage of Her Majesty or that of a member of the Royal Family
- Is in any way offensive, misleading, objectionable or contrary to public policy or to the public interest.
Registered office address must be located in Seychelles. Principal office address (business address) may be in any country.
Each company has to have a local registered agent authorized by the Seychelles government.
Our fee includes a Seychelles registered office address and registered agent for the first year.
An individual or legal entity of any country may be a shareholder.
A minimum of one shareholder is required and a minimum of one share for US$1.00 must be issued.
If you need a nominee shareholder , our company provides such services.
Any individual or legal entity of any country may be appointed as a director and officer.
One person may hold all positions, such as director, president, secretary, and treasurer. If you would like to have several directors, we could appoint any number of directors from a minimum of one to a maximum of ten.
If you need a nominee director and officers, our company is able to provide such services. However, in most cases it’s preferable to be appointed as a director and officers of your own Seychelles IBC as it simplifies dealing with banks, suppliers, and customers.
For a par value company, the authorized capital with which the company is to be registered and the number of shares of a fixed nominal value in each class comprising the authorized capital is stated in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. Seychelles IBC legislation offers a great level of flexibility, companies could have any amount of authorized capital starting from US$1.00 or have no authorized capital at all.
For no par value companies, the authorized capital with which the company is to be registered and the limit (if any) on the number of shares of each class which the company is to be authorized to issue, is stated in the Memorandum and Articles of Association.
Seychelles IBC’s are not obliged to issue all its shares for the total amount of authorized capital in any mandatory time frame. The company could issue just 1 share for US$1.00 to a single shareholder and remaining shares or any part of them could be issued any time in the future. The minimum paid up capital is US$1.00
Authorized capital does not affect the government incorporation fee and annual fee.
Each Seychelles IBC must pay the annual renewal fee starting from the second year. Our annual fees are listed in the Fee Schedule.
Directors information is filed with the Seychelles Registry. However, this information is not available to the public.
The Register of Beneficial Owners is filed with the Registered Agent only. It is not available to the public.
The Memorandum and Articles of Association is filed with the Seychelles Registrar. This document does not include any information about corporate directors, officers, shareholders and beneficial owners. It lists only name of the Seychelles registered agent and Seychelles registered office address.
As an extra layer of privacy protection, our company offers Nominee services .
According to the Act all international business companies are required to maintain reliable accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the company’s transactions that enable the financial position of the company to be determined. This may be kept in any place within or outside of Seychelles as may be determined by the Board of directors.
Your Seychelles company has a great advantage, on one side the requirement to keep accounting records creates an onshore image for the company, but on other side the company is not required to file tax returns and pay taxes in Seychelles, which in fact preserves its international essential nature.
Board of directors may decide to conduct an annual meeting of shareholders in any place inside and outside of Seychelles. The Minutes of meetings need to be kept as per requirements of the Act.
We incorporate Seychelles IBCs in 2 to 3 business days. Preparation of all internal documents takes an additional 2 to 3 business days.
Shelf companies are available immediately. If you require corporate documents to be legalized with Apostille, it takes an additional 2 to 3 business days.
All shelf companies do not have any previous business activity, transactions, and/or owners.
To select a shelf company please view our Shelf Company List .
Our company offers Seychelles mail forwarding services.