Seychelles Foundation
If you would like to protect your assets such as your properties, patents, bank accounts, etc. and keep your identity confidential, you should consider registering a Seychelles Foundation.
A Seychelles Foundation does not have shareholders or members. It is created by a Founder and generally has a purpose to preserve the assets of the foundation for the benefit of the Founder or Beneficiaries. The Founder and the Beneficiary may be the same person.
Advantages of a Seychelles Foundation
Affordable annual renewal fees
No minimum on capital
Formation of a foundation can be done remotely
Any person or legal entity may establish a foundation
Auditing is not required
Information about a Seychelles Foundation
Seychelles Private Foundations are established under The Foundation Act adopted in 2009
Foundation’s may be charitable, non-charitable or both, and can include the management of its assets and income.
Each Seychelles foundation has to have a registered office address and agent in Seychelles, all of our packages include both.
Principal office address of the foundation may be in any country.
Our annual renewal fee includes a Seychelles registered office address and registered agent for one year.
A founder may be a resident or legal entity from any country.
A minimum of one founder is required and the founder may also be a member of the Foundation Council if it has more than one member.
The founder cannot be the only councilor.
Our company offers nominee founder services which provide Privacy Protection.
Each Seychelles foundation has a Foundation Council, which is responsible for carrying out the purposes of the foundation.
The minimum number of members of the Foundation Council should not be less than 3 individuals or 1 legal entity. Residents of any country may be appointed as a council member.
If you need nominee Foundation Council Members, our company provides such services.
The protector position is optional. The protector oversees the actions of the foundation council and is appointed by the founder. Any resident of any country may be appointed as a protector.
Protectors may also be a member of the foundation council if the council has more than one member.
A founder and/or beneficiary can be appointed as the protector.
The beneficiary position is optional. A beneficiary is a person who benefits from the existence of the foundation.
A resident of any country can be appointed as a beneficiary and may be your children, spouse or other members of your family; it can even be a legal entity.
A founder may be a beneficiary but not the sole beneficiary.
The initial asset of the foundation is US$1.00 and must be provided by the founder.
The founder may at anytime in the future endow the foundation with additional assets.
Each Seychelles Foundation must pay the annual renewal fee starting from the second year. Our annual fees are listed in the Fee Schedule.
Founders names and addresses are listed in the Foundation Charter. The Foundation Charter is filed with the Public Registry Office and available to the public, in this document the names and addresses of the Foundation Council members are included and are available to the public.
Information about the Protector and Beneficiaries is not available to the public.
Our company assists clients with protection of their privacy by offering nominee founder and Foundation Council Members .
According to the Act all international business companies are required to maintain reliable accounting records that are sufficient to show and explain the company’s transactions that enable the financial position of the company to be determined. This may be kept at the Seychelles registered agents office.
Your Seychelles foundation has a great advantage, on one side the requirement to keep accounting records creates an onshore image for the entity, but on other side the entitiy is not required to file tax returns and pay taxes in Seychelles, which in fact preserves its international essential nature.
Annual meetings are not required.
It takes 5 to 6 business days to register a foundation and an additional 2 to 3 business days for preparation of the Foundation documents.
We provide scans of all documents via email prior to shipping them.
Our company does not have any shelf Seychelles Foundations due to a Foundation is a legal entity which is created for a particular purpose, which reflects a particular client’s needs and circumstances.